Do you offer free quotes?

Yes. We can take a look at your space, discuss your wants and gather measures all for free. Or if you’d prefer the phone, we’re flexible. You will know the price of your project at no cost to you.

Are there different colors/shades?

Yes, there are a couple colors to choose from. We have multiple options of turf for landscape/playground/agility/golf. The design and functionality is very specific to your project. We have samples you can touch and see.

How many people are on your crew?

There will be 1-3 people installing your synthetic grass.

Is artificial turf expensive?

For a new construction project we are comparable to sod grass. You are paying for 15 years of no costs all up front. Turf is easy, always looks good and a luxury product. Get the free quote and decide yourself.

(Just some rough math. You mow and water 6 months a year, $35/mow week =$840, $200/mth water bill = $2040/year x 15 years = $30,600.) That’s a small lawn and didn’t even include fertilizer, lawn equipment, weed killer, time, etc.

What about my existing grass?

For the absolute best base and drainage - rock is key. We will skid steer your grass + 4 inches of dirt. Then we will place a 4” rock layer to allow for all water to properly drain. The turf will be placed right on that rock layer.

What makes you turf people?

Our crew has been on their hands and knees installing turf for 20+ years. We understand the install, functionality and durability of turf products. We are new to offer turf to everyone, so that is why you haven’t seen our marketing.

What about my sprinkler system?

It can stay put. We can either cap it off or you still use it to cool your turf in the summer or let your kids run through it for fun.

Why turf vs. natural grass?

Turf doesn’t require water, fertilizer, mowing. Turf stays put and doesn’t debris like grass clippings, rock, mulch, sand. Turf doesn’t fade, looks exceptional 365 days a year for 15 years. Turf is clean, no standing water, muddy puddles for dogs or children. You may also notice less bugs in your entertainment space as well.

How long does an install take?

Every project is custom with a specific scope of work. We will give you a specific window of time. Estimated 7-14 days.

Dog poop.

It picks up off turf easier than natural grass. Then you can rinse with water if you prefer. The UV rays on turf will kill 99% of all bacteria.

Is this installation messy?

We are a clean crew and you’re project will be pristine. There will be some dirt work to get that base layer ready. When we complete the job your space will be show ready.

What about my fence or playground set?

Turf can be installed right up to your fence. If we need to remove a section of the fence to fit the skid steer in your backyard - we can safely handle that.

If you are installing turf under a play set - our crew can move it and return it to it’s final destination.